
My favorite shop

My favorite shop is SEIBUHYAKKATEN.
It is located in Yao.
I have used to be going shopping since my childfoot.
But , in Yao, a lot of new shopping malls appeared in recent years.
So SEIBU is in danger now.
And I also became not to feel fascination nowadays.
Therefore I'm very sorry for SEIBU.

Hoever, I really love SEIBU.
Believe me!!!

3 件のコメント:

  1. I will visit SEIBU.

    I renewed my blog because I forgot my password.
    So please resistere my new blog and eriminate my old one.

  2. I know SEIBU depart.
    I want to go there(^0^)

  3. I know SEIBU in Tkatuki.
    and I think it`s not appropriate for us.
